Friday 23 January 2009

Sierra de la Ventana

I was just wondering when the last time I actually saw a cloud was... Having left the UK a week ago today, my holiday-addled brain figured it must have been as I flew out of Heathrow. Then I remembered it pissed it down the first day I was in Buenos Aires. Still, it's nearly a week since then - not bad going if you ask me.

We've been in Sierra de la Ventana for 2 days. It's a small place - the guide books say the population is about 2000. Quite a change from the 10 million inhabitants of the city we left 2 days ago. The activities here are all physical. The Sierra is made up of a number of smallish mountains of around 1000m. I seem to remember reading they're the oldest in the country, but I might be imagining that. Either way, they provide a pretty backdrop when you're sat supping a cold Quilmes in the bar. Yep - that's as much as we've managed to do. The high temperatures (in the 30s at the moment) and inconveniently-timed buses mean getting out to the mountains ain't gonna happen. Still, it's been a nice opportunity to relax a bit. Even bumming around in this weather can be surprisingly tiring!

So tomorrow we're moving on again - taking the overnight bus to Puerto Madryn. This area promises to keep us pretty occupied for quite a few days - the nearby national park (Peninsula Valdes) has loads of interesting wildlife to see, although we've missed the season for whales, apparently. We'll also head to Trelew, which has a great dinosaur museum and lots of local Welsh-based history. Tea and cake is, I hope, well and truly on the cards.

Oh yeah, there's some photos online now too... lemme find the url. It's just some from Buenos Aires, none from round here yet. Oh, here it is:

Adios for now, prolly be some more in the next week or so!

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